







  Services offered by CBA, Ltd.

    Customer Service Workshop

It is time to improve your customer service; time to attract and retain new customers and ensure loyal customers do not look for a second provider?

In most small businesses, customer service develops over time based on the customers, products, the services rendered, and the people delivering the service. In many companies, the owners set the expectations for the service being provided. In some companies, there may be key people who attract and retain customers. When business is good, service can suffer because people are too busy. When business is down, service can suffer because of staff reductions. Having the right number of trained people is one of the keys to great customer service. Another key is understanding the difference between basic good service and great or exceptional service. Finally, no matter how good you believe your service to be, the determiner of great service is always the customer.

CBA's customer service training focuses on combining basic service skills with learning how to provide customer hospitality and WOW customer experiences. The workshop is geared for all levels of staff and can be modified for the different functional areas of a company, for example reception. Participants learn how to elevate customer service in each of the functional areas of the company and they learn a process to put customer service back in the equation.

Participants take away a basic understanding of the differences between basic customer service and exceptional service and receive a road map on how to start implementing improved service throughout their company. This workshop is often used as kick-off event to company wide customer service training

All CBA workshops are customized to meet the unique needs of the companies with which we work. Typically, a workshop can be either a half-day event or an all-day session. Workshops are developed for the intended audience, whether executives, managers, or employees. Participants in CBA workshops on leadership and management receive a copy of CBA's book Finding The Right Path: A Guide To Leading and Managing A Title Insurance Company.


©2003 Corporate Behavior Analysts, Ltd.